Many of US in Egypt are not used to writing "reflective" and "personal" essays about ourselves. Our education system relies on studying hard then taking a test. For US applications, the process is entirely different. One critical piece of the application process is your personal statement.
So what is that? It is a personal story about you. Before you start writing a generic essay (which is a bad idea), we recommend you take some time to deeply reflect on the following questions:
What influenced you? (people, events, books, etc)
What do you care about and why? What do you stand up for?
What challenges you and why?
In the activities you did or at your school, what have you learned? how did you grow?
When did you exercise leadership? how do you define leadership? When did you fail to exercise leadership?
What are your strength and why?
Why are you interested in studying abroad?
Now that you've taken the time to reflect on your experiences and stories, take a look at the following two key resources for tips on how to write an incredible essay:
1. The Purdue university guide on writing a personal statement here:
2. Examples by the University of Chicago: